
H2 Headline Text

Bacon ipsum dolor amet filet mignon pork belly tri-tip, ground round kevin alcatra sirloin buffalo pastrami turkey biltong tail pancetta. Biltong beef ribs ball tip spare ribs, sausage chicken chuck strip steak flank rump doner hamburger chislic ribeye meatball. Chicken bacon ribeye, buffalo beef ribs bresaola pork loin kevin alcatra tongue t-bone prosciutto. Tongue jerky turducken, pork ground round prosciutto alcatra strip steak chislic t-bone landjaeger. Ribeye turkey capicola sirloin buffalo tongue chicken ham hock beef ribs. Cow beef ribs ribeye, hamburger capicola pork burgdoggen alcatra ham turkey shank chicken sirloin. Pig buffalo tri-tip, rump shank chicken ham andouille meatloaf swine chuck brisket. Beef venison tongue andouille salami. Biltong meatball sirloin beef ribs tail ham flank chuck fatback picanha sausage short ribs shoulder. Brisket meatloaf buffalo biltong, ball tip short ribs beef cupim leberkas beef ribs fatback tail corned beef bresaola. Meatloaf landjaeger turducken andouille sirloin. Swine pastrami rump short loin ham corned beef t-bone kevin tongue turducken pig.

H2 Headline Text

Bacon ipsum dolor amet filet mignon pork belly tri-tip, ground round kevin alcatra sirloin buffalo pastrami turkey biltong tail pancetta. Biltong beef ribs ball tip spare ribs, sausage chicken chuck strip steak flank rump doner hamburger chislic ribeye meatball. Chicken bacon ribeye, buffalo beef ribs bresaola pork loin kevin alcatra tongue t-bone prosciutto. Tongue jerky turducken, pork ground round prosciutto alcatra strip steak chislic t-bone landjaeger. Ribeye turkey capicola sirloin buffalo tongue chicken ham hock beef ribs. Cow beef ribs ribeye, hamburger capicola pork burgdoggen alcatra ham turkey shank chicken sirloin.

Pig buffalo tri-tip, rump shank chicken ham andouille meatloaf swine chuck brisket. Beef venison tongue andouille salami. Biltong meatball sirloin beef ribs tail ham flank chuck fatback picanha sausage short ribs shoulder. Brisket meatloaf buffalo biltong, ball tip short ribs beef cupim leberkas beef ribs fatback tail corned beef bresaola. Meatloaf landjaeger turducken andouille sirloin. Swine pastrami rump short loin ham corned beef t-bone kevin tongue turducken pig.

Call To Action

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Late Registration Closes July 15th

The Bike Friend-zy


May 13th, 5:30-6:30PM

Meet at the Nature Park, South Pavilion

Annual Ski Swap - Oct 20-21

Team Store Deadline!

If you want any custom team apparel or gear, place your order on the Team Store before midnight on May 22nd.

REMEMBER: No items are mandatory except student-athletes MUST wear our team’s race jersey in races.