Much of this content is copied from the Idaho Race Series page which is the ultimate source of information for all things race related and has the most accurate and up-to-date information. This page should be considered an additional resource.
Camping is in one of the several parking lots above the lodge, depending on availability.
Pitzone is located near the JR Simplot Lodge. The lodge has a variety of facilities available.
Shuttles are not provided but there is a lot of parking available near the lodge and up the road.
2024. ‘New to this’ and the second climb have been cut out in exchange for continuing up ‘Sunshine’ and coming down part of ‘Berm Baby Berm’. It starts with a short climb on an access road, then climb about 250ft up ‘Sunshine’, 0.1 miles up an access road, and then 0.35 miles back down ‘Berm Baby Berm’, then climb another 500ft to the top of the MorningStar Express chair lift. That climb is almost identical to the first climb from past years, just with a detour up Sunshine. Berm Baby Berm drops you back almost at the same spot though. From the top, the course connects onto ‘Student Rider’ from the top to the bottom. After the first berm, that will all be the same as previous years.
2023. It starts by climbing just over 600 feet in 1.3 miles up an access road with a little bit of switchbacks up ‘Sunshine’ until you reach the top of the MorningStar Express chair lift. The course then drops 200 feet in 1.1 mile down New to This, a very flowy machine-cut trail with a few table tops. The the course takes an abrupt turn to climb up another 300 feet to 0.6 miles on an access road before dropping down Student Rider, another machine cut flow trail with rollers, a rock garden, plenty of berms and some table tops, for the remaining 1.7 miles to the finish line.
Copyright ©2025 • Upper Valley Composite Mountain Bike Team
Website by Dovi Solutions
If you want any custom team apparel or gear, place your order on the Team Store before midnight on May 22nd.
REMEMBER: No items are mandatory except student-athletes MUST wear our team’s race jersey in races.